ycardinal female-0502.JPG

It’s so easy to overlook something when your focus is so intent on something else. Do you ever experience that? You’re so focused on your kid that you kind of forget to focus on yourself. You’re so laser-focused on your project at work that something slips on another project. Or, maybe you’re so focused on work that you feel like you’re not living your best life. You get so deep in the weeds that you miss important things.

What does this have to do with being equal, you ask? Here it is… I’m going to guess that when you hear the word, “cardinal,” the image that pops into your head is the beautiful red cardinal, sometimes thought to be a spiritual messenger. Guilty as charged! The brightness of that flashy red is beautiful against any backdrop. This is the male cardinal, always ready to strut his stuff.

I have to admit when I look out my window hoping to see a cardinal, I’m hoping for a flash of red and sometimes, I’m so focused on looking for red that I miss the female cardinal sitting there, plain as day, until I hear that beautiful, distinct song. Recently, I got a little disappointed when there was a female cardinal and no bright red cardinal. Then I sat back and admired the beauty that was before me. I grabbed these pix and noticed that even when drenched in rain, the female cardinal was just as beautiful as the male cardinal.

Females being undervalued, not noticed, not heard. As a Title IX female athlete, this sounds familiar. As the only female copywriter in my office who was bullied by two men back in the day, this sounds familiar.

The next time you see a cardinal that is dressed less in red, take a moment to notice, to take in the beauty of the bird and of the moment. The female’s beauty truly is equal.

When you’re trying to get a photo of wildlife from a distance with a DSLR camera, use single point focus and try to focus on the eye.

“Look over what’s often overlooked!”

Nancy Wright