“waiting to be noticed” (© wrightpix photo gifts)

“waiting to be noticed” (© wrightpix photo gifts)


Recently, I was volunteering at a golf fundraiser, taking photos of the teams and individual golfers. As I waited for the next team to saunter over to the green for their group photo, I noticed this dragonfly just hanging out, like it was waiting to be noticed. I grabbed my camera and took some shots. I didn’t have the right lens for close-ups, but it didn’t matter. This dude was striking a pose for me. He even turned around to face the sun, so the glorious light hit his face.

I could have just ignored the dragonfly and focused on my task at hand of getting photos of the golfers. But, I enjoyed being distracted. It gave me the opportunity to remind myself that no matter where I am, there are small things to be noticed. And studied. And appreciated.

  • Check out the intricate vein design on his wings. I learned that’s called venation.

  • Dragonflies are sight-based creatures with two compound eyes. With a quick turn of the head, they are able to scan 360 degrees as well as above and below. They can see ultraviolet and polarized light. Many species also see well in dim light.

  • They have no sense of hearing, only a rudimentary ability to smell, and are unable to vocalize.

  • They have six legs, a thorax for locomotion, and an abdomen.

  • They breathe through spiracles, or tiny holes in the abdomen.


There are so many things, and people, in your world, just waiting to be noticed. Be the one who notices!

“When you take time to explore your surroundings, you notice a lot.”