
We’re all busy, right? There’s always something we’re supposed to be doing. Always. Ugh!

One day, I was doing my normal morning routine of filling the bird feeders and plucking the mushrooms and twigs off our lawn, as our dog sniffed around for bunny scents, when it caught my eye. The early morning sun bending its glorious way through the trees, casting a pixiedust-like glow on our hostas. It was as if Mother Nature were tapping me on the shoulder. I had a conversation in my head something like this: “Nancy, you should go get your camera. No. I can’t. Too much to do (floodgates open and the mile-long to-do list streams in). But, WOW! Look at the light on those hostas. Ugh! I can’t resist.”

So, I grabbed my camera and spent about 20 minutes finding angles among the hostas. I had a blast. This is what fills my minutes with immense joy. I don’t know why taking photos makes me so happy, but it does.

And therein lies today’s urgent plea for you: take a minute, or two, or twenty, please, and fill it with happy. The to-do list can wait. Your heart can’t. It needs you. Now. Make your heart happy.

Today’s Tip: Keep the sun behind you. That way the light will shine on what you’re photographing and you’ll avoid glare.