backyard autumn leaf (copyright wrightpix photo gifts)

backyard autumn leaf (copyright wrightpix photo gifts)


Okay, so my recent foliage photo shoot made me think about trees, which took me back to my college days when my mother and I wrote letters back and forth about the majestic beauty of trees. Sounds kind of weird, right? It was a point of connection for us. I’d get all excited when I found a letter from Ma in my mailbox. We talked about the strength of the trunk, the reach of the branches, the depth of the roots, the push of change when the leaves transformed in the fall, and the sense of sadness when they drifted to the ground. Trees remind me to be trunk-like and find strength in my core; to be branch-like and reach until I can’t reach anymore; to be root-like and value what has kept me grounded for all of my life and remember my humble beginnings; and to be leaf-like, willing to change, and move on to allow new growth.

Anyway, back to my foliage shoot. I’ve added a gallery of autumn glory pix to our site that I’m calling, “Falliage.” Get it? Fall foliage…though I pronounce it falliaaaaj. It amps up the fanciness because some of the pix I took are pretty fancy. [file under #notyourtypicalfoliage] They’ll be hanging out in my Landscape and Artsy/Abstract photo galleries, just waiting to be welcomed into your home. Autumn lovers, one cool idea is to make a triptych (series of three prints) using these zoomscapes.


TIPSY TIME: To take your own zoomscape photo, simply focus your camera and while taking a pic, zoom the lens back and forth, or even just one way, really quickly. You can play around with how slow or fast, which direction, or both directions. The first time I did this technique, it was when my daughter and I were sitting in front of our Christmas tree. The tree lights made for some really cool patterns. Check out the Crazy Lights ornaments. It’s always fun to see things in a new way. #illclinktothat #newwaysforyoutosharenaturesgifts
