There's no place like home...

© 2019 wrightpix photo gifts :: iPhone pic that captured the sun streaming in through the window where we picked out our Christmas tree

© 2019 wrightpix photo gifts :: iPhone pic that captured the sun streaming in through the window where we picked out our Christmas tree


Home can have different meanings. Maybe home is the town where you were raised. Or, it could be where you live now: town, city, or country. Or, maybe you simply think of home as the building that provides a roof over your head each night.

Let’s think about that last one. Think of all the wood, screws, bolts, insulation, sheetrock, plaster, beams, and wires that make up the building you live in. Sounds pretty cold, doesn’t it? Is that really “home?”

The real question here is, “What is home?”

  • Home can be a feeling.

  • Home can be a person.

  • Home can be a song.

  • Home can be a smell.

  • Home can be a favorite meal/dessert.

  • Home can be a keepsake.

  • Home can be a tradition.

  • Home can be a memory.

The holidays lead us home. Where the heart is. The place to find comfort. Wherever or whatever that might be.

Wishing for you a “home for the holidays” that takes you to your happy place.

And borrowing from Winnie the Pooh… Just as Piglet asked Pooh how you spell love and Pooh replied, “You don’t spell it, you feel it.” How do you spell home? You don’t spell it, you feel it.


“Home is more than a place. It’s a feeling.”